
RussiaxReader ~Lustless Gaze~ Prt 1

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RussiaxReader ~Lustless Gaze~ Prt1

Ok this is my first story so I’m not going to be that good it’s a 2P Russia X reader, so bear with me. It was a request from a friend so it can’t be bad (at least not yet. ~) Also I’m starting with Ivan’s POV just because I felt it was a good way to start the story. I don’t Own Hetalia Or Russia and I don’t own you and Russia doesn’t own you either. Yet PS: I think you all know this but just in case here is zee legend
                                                                           ____=your name   [e/c]= eye color
  [h/c]=hair color          ‘words’=thoughts  “words”= speech  [c/n]= country name



           ‘That smile. That bright, cheery, smile. Enough to make a heart melt.

I hate it.

I see it every day none stop and she doesn’t even notice how much I hate it. Then again why would she? She’s the same as every one else. We don’t even know each other that well; after all she did just become a country. So why does it bother me so much? Did she poison me, curse me, or maybe she’s even controlling me. Or… could it be that I like… No that’s impossible. I lost the capacity to feel emotions long ago. But then why do I have such a horrible pain in my stomach? I feel weak. I hate feeling weak. I- I think I’m getting sick I think I-’

“Hey Russia you don’t look so good. Are you constipated or something?”___ interrupted his thoughts, looking at her with disbelief because this is the first time they talked to each other. Realizing this, he collects himself and smiles at her.

“Oh it’s just you ____. Just go away or ill have to make you.” He says with annoyance in his voice.

“Wow you are constipated aren’t you?! That’s why you don’t want my help. Ok, I get it. Don’t worry though I wont tell anyone though. Wink, wink.” You cooed. Russia just stares at you with a blank expression; Then smiles while chuckling a bit.

“Ok I’m guessing your not getting what I told you, so I will repeat it again. Go away or I will make you go_” You interrupt his sentence causing him to frown. You ignore this and continue talking.

“ I know, I know. I’m leaving. Shesh.” you get up and stick your tongue out at him and run away. “Thbbbittt!” He smiles again now wiping the present of spit you left on his face. He chuckles.

“So _____ thinks she can stick her tongue out at me and get away with it? Well she has another thing coming. I think I’ll have a little fun with her ~.” He smiles and walks out of the room

~~~~~~~~~~~~~LE SQUISHY TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your POV from the world meeting NOW!

Your talking with your friends Francis, Gilbert, and Antonio or Toni as he likes to be called, and are having a hilarious conversation. You are a brand new country (SHOCKER!) and your economy isn’t so good, but your not broke your able to pay your bills and stuff just fine, but can’t by your country nice things, like amusement parks or fancy buildings. How you got to be cool enough to hang out with them is still a mystery to you.

~~~~~~~~~~LE AWSOME FLASH BACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You hear a voice from the end of the hall but you think it’s just your imagination, so you ignore it.


You stop and turn around to face an albino man that has stopped and bent down right in front of you wheezing and coughing to catch his breath apparently you walk quite fast. As he caught his breath you ask if he’s all right and he nods and then faces you with a smirk on his face.

“You’re zhe new country [c/n], right?”

You nod confused why he asks that.

“Well zhen your coming vith zhe awesome me to meet mien friends~~”

You try to reject the offer but he didn’t give you the chance to reply. You trip on your own feet and are still being dragged away on the floor, which by the way wasn’t very clean. After a while you finally pick your self up and the both of you walk down the hall and the albino man approaches a blonde man with sea blue eyes and some stubble on his chin, and a tan Spaniard with green eyes. After a while you realize they started a conversation and they looked like they were deep in thought and you saw a chance to sneak away. As you tiptoe away you feel a hand on your shoulder and you turn to see the Spaniard.

“Hey where are you going chica?”

“Oh well I was just leaving since you guys looked like you were having a personal conversation or some thing, so I thought I’d leave you guys alone.” You look at the Spaniard who looked like he was in pain holding his stomach as you heard him start to giggle.

“US? TALKING ABOUT PERSONAL THINGS? BWAHAHAHAHA! That’s so funny! I like you chica.” You look at him confused and creped out that he found that so funny, though you just shook the thought once he started to calm down.

“By the way I’m Antonio and I’m the country of Spain: that guy with the beard is Francis he’s France, ANNNDD~ the white one is Gilbert he’s Prussia. You can call me Toni ~”Antonio or Toni said with a cheery voice. You look at him with a confused look when he just stared at you silently like he was waiting for a reply then you realized you haven’t told him your name.

“Oh –ah I-I’m ____ and I’m the country[c/n].”You said grinning like you just won the noble prize for finding the right words to say. Toni just looked at you and smiled.

“Oh so you’re the new country right?” he said with a hum to it.

“Yeah I am.” You replied. Just as you were about to leave Francis and Gilbert made there way over to you guys and smiled at you saying that you were cool and you should hang out with them. You being you decided to accept their offer and hung out with them and it has been two weeks since that happened.

~~~~~~~~~~~ BACK TO LE PRESENT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“_______? _______? HEEEELLLLOOOOOO!”

You collect your thoughts to the task at hand and find that Gilbert had been trying to get your attention.

“Huh-oh hey Gil.” You said as you finally realized what was going on.

“ SHESH _____ my bruder must have been pretty boring if you couldn’t even stay avake through the beginning of the meeting.” he said while chuckling to himself. Your eyes widen.

“Wait I slept through the meeting?!” you say with disbelief.

“Like a vittle baby.” He cooed.

“Was there anything important I missed?” you ask with annoyance in your voice as Gilbert had mocked you for sleeping.

“Nein. At least I don’t zhink sooooo~.” He hummed. You just ignored this and went on with your business. You turned your head and saw Russia staring at you from across the meeting room. Wondering what he wanted, you walked up to him.

“Hey Russia do you need something?” you ask as he blinks still looking at you, and opens his lips in response.

“No, why do you ask?” He answers in a child like voice and smiles that smile he gives to everybody else. Shivers went up your back, but you compose yourself.

“ WEEEEELLLL I COULDENT HELP BUT WONDER WHY YOU WERE JUST STARING AT MEEEE SOOO I THOUGHT YOU NEEDED SOMETHING~” you say merrily and proudly as you felt you were annoying the Russian. Just as you were basking in the glory of the awesome you.{Prussia must be affecting you huh?} you stop and look at Russia who was still staring at you with his child-like smile completely smacked off his face, now replaced with a monstrous death glare. You get scared but find your courage and think to yourself.

‘So he thinks he can get rid of me that easily does he? Well I’ll have to change that!’ You smirk causing Russia to flinch at your response to his death glare and just stares at you confused now. You bring your face closer to his and he starts to back away.

“Why are you getting so close to me? Please stop. It’s not very polite you know.” he smiles and you stop and get back to where you were allowing Russia to adjust himself. You look at him seriously.

“Well you’re the one who gave me the death glare so I was just returning the favor.” You stop and look around you as Gilbert, and other unimportant people, looked at you with fear. Then as if he was pushed, Gilbert unfroze and stumbled towards you, grabbing your arm.

“Uh -hey ____ lets go I just remembered I vanted to show you somezing awesome – so let’s, ah -go.” he drags you away and you let him. Unsure of what just happed. As you get dragged out, Russia calls out to you. His child like smile back on his face.

“By the way you can call me Ivan. Da?”
You blink and recover your senses. What was that about? You and gilbert exit the building and head to the courtyard. You take a seat on the snow covered grass.

“______ you shouldn’t get close to Russia. I know I’m no cherry pie as vell but somezing isn’t right vith zhe guy… He’s ummm… unstable.” He looked at you and started to be his “awesome” self again.

“But zhen again I’m no party pooper so do vhat you vant! Kesesesesesesesese~~”you get up from the grass and look up at Gilbert and smile.

“Don’t worry your awesome little head Gil I’ll do what I think is right. Hehehehehe.” he looks up at you and frowns, you stop cheering and look at him. You could tell he was worried and didn’t want you to do anything too rash.

“Ok, Just don’t do any zhing too stupid or I’ll have too save your veak butt.” He patted your head and left chuckling to himself. As he did, you just kept wondering to yourself. Just who was Ivan? Was he so scary that even Gilbert admitted he was scary. You didn’t know what to think so you went with your gut. ‘Keep annoying him till he breaks. What a stupid idea. It’s like you wanted to get killed, but you got this far sticking to your gut so why stop now?’ Just as you were about to leave you turned to the window and saw Ivan staring at you again with that heart stopping smile, and not the good kind. You acted on impulse and stuck out your tongue and ran away. What you didn’t know was that you made the biggest mistake in doing that again, because it was going to change your life dramatically.

“You’re making this too easy, Sunflower…. But, I like it when it’s easy. It’s more fun that way. ~” Ivan turned from the window and left.
Ok ill admit its not the best but hey i tried and its for a friend so if you dont like it boo you. any ways read and enjoy

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Clide72's avatar
i loves it, its wickedly good stuff